Atlanta Skating

What a fascinating way to fuse music video and documentary. These are things that bring a smile to face. 

You either care or you don't

You either care or you don't. That's honestly the best advice I try to give anyone whenever they ask my "how I get to where I'm at". Frankly, I don't feel like I've made it very far, but I care, and I'm trying and I think that makes all the difference. I just watched this little nugget via No Film School (a fantastic source for all things storytelling / film news / tech advances etc) and it further reminded me why it is what I do. 

When I can't "skip" the ad

Sometimes an ad will pop up on YouTube and I actually want to sit through and watch the whole thing. This was one of them. 

This also reminds me of the fact that I absolutely CANNOT WAIT for the game "CUPHEAD" to come out. Hooray animation!!!!

Player Two

As soon as I just finished reading "Ready Player One" (I know guys... that book was soooooo last summer), something cool like this comes around. If this doesn't bring a tear to your eye I'm not sure you're a human being. 

Editing on a Steenbeck... TAKES. FOREVER.

In my early days of film school we shot 8mm B/W reversal on a Bolex and then edited by hand using a Steenbeck. While the process was exhilarating and educational, you can best be sure that I promptly went home and hugged my computer the second I got back to my dorm room. 

Without love and hate... well then you've lost.

What I learned was… you need to make sure people hate it, as well as love it because if they just go “mmm” well then you’ve lost.
— Death Spray Custom

As per usual, Vimeo Staff picks are consistently one of the greatest resources for finding incredible stories. This one is no different. With the perfect balance of extraordinary sound design and appropriately, yet carefully crafted images, the right story is told with the right feeling. Check it out. 


Simple. Sweet.

Sometimes flashy video is too much. Sometimes all you need is one shot, a guitar and three voices to make something special. 

Speaking of taste... how about these guys. Slow clap for design.

Meet Chet and Kyle. 






They have an incredibly lovely home. 


It's amazing to me what happens when good intentions meet design. They make this. Since working at an ad agency, I've become increasingly aware how important design is not only to my video work, but also in everyday life. Things like this make me smile. 

You can check out the rest of their Michigan get-a-away over at The Fresh Exchange Blog

S/O to my sister Malloy McMorrow for the find. She's lucky enough to have visited this space on numerous occasions. 

Power... precision... marriage.

These ads for the Moto 360 smart watch are absolutely on point. Smart watches certainly are cool, but I don't know how ready I am to be connected, all day, every day. Aren't we at the point already?

I applaud the folks over at Droga5 for sarcastically making fun of what is otherwise a stale market in terms of creativity. Watch commercials have felt like bad car commercials for a long time now. Well done. 



Everyone's an artist and that's.... great?

 - "But does democratized culture mean better art, film, music and literature or is true talent instead flooded and drowned in the vast digital ocean of mass culture? Is it cultural democracy or mediocrity?" -


Nowadays the possibility to create, virtually anything, is at the fingertips of almost everyone. Not only are these tools and resources available, but they're relatively cheap too, making creative endeavors seemingly endless. Unfortunately, that means there's more content now than ever and everyone is seemingly an "artist". 

If you're like me and feel that you were put on this earth to create, I strongly urge you to sit down and watch PressPausePlay (2011 - dir. David Dworsky + Victor Köhler) which focuses on the accessibility of creative expression vs. the saturation of the artistic landscape.

Personally, I'm not sure how I feel.

I don't think I'd be where I am without all of these available tools, yet I find it harder to find truly authentic media/art/content (whatever people want to call it these days). As always, I'm interested in hearing what others think. 

Wait a minute... girl.

David Fincher is an absolute boss when it comes to these new Gap Ads. I really dig the "Dress Normal" campaign. I think sometimes the Gap has a hard to figuring out whether it's in the Old Navy realm or amongst the likes of more expensive brands like Banana Republic or J. Crew. These ads feel to me like the Gap is embracing the middle road and saying "who cares... be normal". Bravo to the folks over at Wieden + Kennedy New York. 

A Tribute / A Lesson

Richard Attenborough died today, and while I am not familiar with the larger portion of his work, I think we all remember him best as Dr. John Hammond in Steven Spielberg's 1993 Blockbuster movie, Jurassic Park. While doing some research into the career and life of Mr. (Lord?) Attenborough I came across and incredibly fascinating short documentary on the 'Making Of: Jurassic Park". To this day I am still in awe of this movie. The amount of research, hard work and innovation that went into this movie transcends its reputation as a true "blockbuster" film. While we continue to be "oohed" and "ahed" by modern-day CGI, it was the creativity and craft fullness of the puppets that continue to make this movie look great. I am always fascinated by "how" we tell are stories sometimes even more-so than "what" the story is and this is a great lesson in just that. 

It is rather comical, yet fascinating how they were able to make such brilliant effects with computers that are a fraction of the power of today's machines. To anyone interested in storytelling, this video will be worth your forty-five minutes.  Plus, James Earl Jones is the narrator. Enough said. 


The Beginning

It has been a little while since I first got my site up, but now it's time to to start making some posts! I'm excited to bring you what's going on inside my head. Whether it be music, movies, art, fashion, culture, some bomb sandwich I just ate... whatever it is, this is the space I'd like to use to get you to know me better. 


I'd like to start with two videos by "Bahamas" that have been helping make my Monday more bearable after a long weekend. Enjoy!

'Your Sweet Touch' 

This is how you play the acoustic guitar my friends. 

'Lost in the Light (Mahogany Sessions)' 

Straight soul and passion. Dig it. 

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